Early Residents of Holles Street

A half-hearted attempt at determining the early Georgian residents of Holles Street, Dublin by consultation with various sources, such as newspapers, leases and other evidence.  I just dump my notes onto this page as I progress intermittently.

Street Cleaning

"By the Right Hon. the Lord Mayor of the City of Dublin, Henry Bevan

Whereas the several Streets, Lanes, Quays, and Alleys herein after mentioned, have been lately laid out in Lots, and set to Contractors for cleaning the same, his Lordship doth hereby, pursuant to the Powers in him vested, direct and require the several Scavengers in and throughout this City, to carry away the Dirt and Soil out of the Streets, Lanes, Quays, and Alleys within their respective Districts on the respective Days herein after appointed in every Week; and his Lordship doth hereby require the Inhabitants in the said Streets, Lanes, Quays, and Alleys, to sweep and cleanse before their Buildings and Walls, and the Walls of Churches and Church-yards,  wa(?) and publick Buildings, before nine o'Clock in the Morning, otherwise his Lordship will inflict the Penalty by Law imposed."

Earl of Antrim


Earl of Antrim selling interest in house in Merrion Square.  Is this  Antrim House  ?         Mr Ensor on Ranelagh Road.  (John Ensor was an architect).

Antrim House is situated at the angle of the best and most fashionable if not the largest square in Dubin; a noble street opens on the other side of the square, forming a vista, at the end of which the edifice is situated, occupying the field of vision; it was an old fashioned brick building, without any pretension to architectural display, having seven windows on the first floor, and presenting a frontage of 72 feet. 

"To be sold, the Interest in the Lease of the House in Holles-street and Merrion-square, wherein the Earl of Antrim lately lived, of which eighty-five Years are unexpired. Application to be made to Mr. William Hervey, at Lady Dungannon's, Kildare-street, or at his House, No. 7, Great Britain-street."


Unknown Number

"To Be Sold, the Interest of the House in Holles-street, Merrion-square, in which the Lady Viscountess Kingsland now lives. Proposals to be received by said Lady Kingsland, or by Robert Fetherston, Esq; at his house in William-street. The House to be viewed every Day from tweleve o'Clock in the Forenoon till three in the Afternoon."

"In Holles-street, Merrion-square, A neat small house, with or without Coach-house and Stables. Inquire of Mr Sproule, Holles-street who has Grounds (in the best Situations) to be set for building.  Apple and Pear Trees, for Millers and Turners Use, to be sold."

  In respect of a letting advertisement for a dwelling in Pimlico - "Proposals in writing to be sent to Nath. Ligoe Card, Esq. Holles-street, or Mr Robert Warren, No. 29 Jervis Street" 

                      There's Robert Warren again (senior).  Nathaniel Ligoe Card was also a solicitor and he and Rovert were well known to each other.  They had certainly worked together and potentially jointly shared or administered the above property (see Dunalley Papers  - NLI).   Nathanie had been a Lieutenant in the 18th Regiment of Foot.

" To Be Let, One the East Side of Holles-street, (Merrion-square), A New House, furnished or unfurnished, twenty-six Feet eight Inches in Front, finished in the best and most modern Manner, with Stable for six Horses, and two Coach-houses; and also the new House adjoining the above, and of the same Dimensions, to be let, unfurnished, with a Coach-house and Stable. Inquire of Mrs. Pelan, at the House. "


Holles-Street, Merrion Square - To be sold, subject only to £34 per Annum with the furniture of three Rooms and Kitchen on exceedingly moderate terms. A very good House, four stories high, containing two Parlours, two Drawing rooms, two best Bed-rooms, and three Upper ditto, with very good accommodation on the Basement Story. The entire being in perfect order and fit for immediate reception.  Apply at KILDAHL and CO.'s House and Land Agency Office, 8, D'Olier-street, Instituted A.D. 1819.

Burial Records 

See https://www.irishgenealogy.ie/en/church-records/about/what-church-records-are-available-online

Number 6

To be sold, the House No. 6 Holles-street, near Merrion-square, with Coach-house and Stable; it is in good order, rent and taxes low.

Number 9

"An elegant large House, No. 9, in Holles-Street, with a Garden, Coach-house and Stabling for six Horses. It commands a beautiful view of the Bay and Wicklow Mountains, and is now fit for the immediate Reception of a Tenant.  Apply at said House, or to Mr Robert Warren, No. 29, Jervis-Street."

Number 12

At No. 12, Holles-Street,  A Neat furnished House, with Coach-house and Stable, to be let; the Beds perfectly aired, and ready for the immediate Reception of a Family. A Person attends to shew it. Inquire at No. 66, South Great George's-street.

Letter from Thomas Whitney, 12 Holles Street, Dublin, [to Henry Goulburn, Chief Secretary], complaining that changes to legislation have eliminated the power of grand juries to reimburse the expenses of sheriffs incurred during elections; adding that high sheriffs are now required to pay for deputies out of their own salaries. Also copy of reply from Goulburn, stating that he is unable to alter the legislation at present.

Number 14

"To Be Sold By Auction, By John Davis, Upholder, on the premises at one o'clock , on Thursday June 25th.

... The interest in the lease of the Rev. Thomas May's house, No. 14, Holles-street, near Merrion-square, of which there is a term of 70 years yet to come, subject to the small yearly rent of 55l.  "

Letter from Daniel Litton, 14 Holles Street, Dublin, to Henry Goulburn, Chief Secretary, Dublin Castle, requesting appointment to vacant post of governor of House of Industry, Dublin, 4 April 1823. Also letter from Litton, to Goulburn, enclosing a testimonial in support of his application, which he omitted to include with his original letter, 4 April 1823 

Number 15

Number 17

"LODGINGS, furnished, at the East End of Merrion-square, in that healthful Situation, commanding the full View of Dublin Bay and Shipping on one Side, and a full View of Wicklow Mountains on the other, with a neat Garden, well inclosed with a Wall, Trees, &c. in full bearing; they consist of Dining-room and Bed-chamber on one Floor, and Servants Room if required, Kitchen and Cellar, Coach-house, and Stable for three Horses. For further Particulars inquire at the inclosed House next to the Old Artichoak, not one Minute's Walk from Merrion-square. - N. B. There is also a first Floor, furnished, in Holles-street, No. 17, with the same good Views and Air, not forty Yards from the above House. "

Number 32

Three letters from Mrs J Fanning, 32 Holles Street, Dublin, to Henry Goulburn, Chief Secretary, Dublin Castle, seeking measure of government assistance in securing relief for herself and children. Refers to a list sent to the Chief Secretary’s Office to get employment which she is desirous of having returned. Alludes to legal proceedings taken against her in the Irish Court of Chancery ‘which has made me a beggar’. In support of her application, she claims to be on intimate terms with Harstonge Robinson [commissioners of Crown Lands], Lady Westmeath [wife of George Thomas John Nugent, 1st Marquess of Westmeath] and Reverend George Wogan, [Church of Ireland curate of Donnybrook, Dublin].