Lost Lookups

I do quite a bit of what might be called pseudo-random genealogy / local history.  This is research that is not associated with my own family but which relates to almost random things that I find interesting or intriguing. This can arise from graves or memorials that I stumble across or from various pages or posts online, including the very wonderful activities by Mary Lennon on her fantastic Lennon-Wylie website

Some might say that this is a waste of time, but I would argue two things - researching material outside your normal area of familiarity or expertise helps to improve and broaden your knowledge and research skills, which can be applied to your own family history and makes you a better genealogist.  Secondly, there might be people "out there", now or in the future, who might value the information you find and it could help them past a brick-wall.  The latter is the motivation for this site, where I will try to publish various things that I find (or collate & correlate) that might interest others. Bear in mind that I'm not inclined to research something exhaustively, I just take it far enough to satisfy my curiosity.

If there's anything here that you found useful or valuable or there's a glaring error, please drop me a line at:   lookups @ pelan.org

I cannot promise a correction or a response at all, let alone one in a reasonable time frame but you might hear from me 18 months later when I turn my eye to something related.  Please note that I am not open to taking requests to perform research for anyone.  I don't have enough free time to pursue even 1% of what I would like to do !